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St Francis - Licorice 100ml
St Francis - Licorice 100ml

St Francis - Licorice 100ml

$ 24.99

Licorice - A Sweet Goodbye to Coughs and Stomach Ailments (and Chronic Fatigue for Good Measure) Testimonials to the abiding value of licorice for respiratory and gastrointestinal problems abound across a range of cultures and civilizations both East and West. Licorice's anti-inflammatory properties, which have been confirmed by scientific research, make it highly effective in soothing mucous membranes. Which is why it's hardly surprising that Commission E, the widely acknowledged German regulatory body for herbal medicines, has approved its use for gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as catarrhs of the upper respiratory tract Some researchers have gone so far as to compare the cough suppressant action of licorice to that of codeine. This explains its long history of use for coughs and asthma. Medicinal Ingredients (per 1 ml): Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra, root and stolon) 250 mg QCE (1:4) Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Distilled water, Grain alcohol Our Licorice roots and stolons are Certified Organically Grown. QCE = Quantity Crude Equivalent All doses should be taken 3 times daily in a little water on an empty stomach. Adults & Adolescents (14 & over): 1-3 ml (30-90 drops); Adolescents (10-14 years): 0.5-1.5 ml (15-45 drops); Children (5-9 years): 0.25-0.75 ml (8-23 drops); Children (4 years): 0.17-0.5 ml (5-15 drops).



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