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Boiron - Stodal Honey 125ml
Boiron - Stodal Honey 125ml

Boiron - Stodal Honey 125ml

$ 10.99

About Stodal Honey

Homeopathic medicine used for the relief of dry or productive cough. This homeopathic medicine does not cause drowsiness. Stodal is available in a 200 mL bottle.

How to use ?

Adults and children 12 years of age and older: Take 15 mL orally using the pre-measured cup provided, 3 times per day. Children 1-11 years of age: Take 5 mL orally using the pre-measured cup provided, 3 times per day. Reduce frequency with improvement. Do not administer to children weighing less than 8 kg (17 pounds).

Why choose Stodal?

Stodal does not cause drowsiness, and it does not contain dextromethorphan, diphenhydramine or guaifenesin.



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