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Platinum - Relev-X 90 Vcaps
Platinum - Relev-X 90 Vcaps

Platinum - Relev-X 90 Vcaps

$ 42.65

When it comes to treating joint pain, common medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are associated with a number of side effects like gastro-intestinal discomforts or even peptic ulcers. Also, while they treat pain, they do not contribute to the repair of cartilage. Relev-X® not only eases discomfort, it also helps to repair and rebuild your joints. Curcumin A spice found in curry powder, which has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine. Curcumin is a potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. Licorice A medicinal plant cultivated in China and India. Licorice root coats the stomach lining with a protective gel, thereby relieving heartburn and stomach upset. Cat's Claw A herbal antioxidant grown in the Amazon rainforests, prized for its ability to aid in your body's response to inflammation. Cat's claw contains alkaloids, which are believed to stimulate the immune system and ease digestion. Boswellia Boswellia has been studied for its anti-inflammatory properties. White Willow Bark A trusted remedy in ancient times. Willow bark was prescribed for aches, pains and fever in the fifth century by Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine. Devil's Claw Decoctions of this dried root were traditionally used in South Africa to help ease joint inflammation and improve mobility.

Relev-X® features:

  • Glucosamine HCI - a building block from which the body makes cartilage, collagen and other components of connective tissue.
  • Fish oils, white willow bark, curcumin, boswellia, cat's claw and devil's claw which all have anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.



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