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Now - Citric Acid 113g
Now - Citric Acid 113g

Now - Citric Acid 113g

$ 6.49

If you're into sprouting then you're already familiar with Citric Acid, a natural preservative typically found in citrus fruits such as lemons and limes. Citric Acid helps to inhibit the formation of mold and other bacterial growth, an all-too-common occurrence when sprouting in a jar due to high temperatures and humidity. Citric Acid is also useful for canning vegetables and fruit preserves.

Suggested Usage

Citric Acid is a food grade acid that is present in many natural foods. It can be used to reduce spoilage in sprouting by adding 1 tsp. per quart to soak and rinse water. Citric Acid is also useful in canning, drying or freezing foods. It can be used to preserve Vitamin C content, retard spoilage and prevent discoloration. Use 1 tsp. per quart of water or juice for most fruits and vegetables. Because you are what you eat, NOW Real Food® has been committed to providing delicious, healthy, natural and organic foods since 1968. We're independent, family owned, and proud of it. Keep it natural. Keep it real.



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