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Goldtop - Hemp Seed Oil 500ml
Goldtop - Hemp Seed Oil 500ml

Goldtop - Hemp Seed Oil 500ml

$ 21.50

Produced by cold pressing hemp seeds at a temperature less than 37°C without the use of chemicals, preserving the natural antioxidants/tocopheroles/omega 6 poly-unsaturated fatty acids.   Like other oil seeds, the hemp nut consists mainly of oil (typically 44%). In addition, the nut contains vitamins (particularly the tocopherols and tocotrienols of the Vitamin E complex), phytosterols and trace minerals. Overall, hemp's main nutritional advantage over other seeds lies in the composition of its oil. It is its fatty acid profile, and its protein which contains all of the essential amino acids in nutritionally Significant amounts and in a healthy ratio, which make Hemp Oil such a desirable part of a healthy diet. A more "holistic" approach consists of shifting our general dietary fat intake towards nuts and oils offering a better omega-6/omega-3 ratio. Hemp nut and oil offer an omega-6/omega-3 ratio of 3:1 or less, depending on plant variety. This exceeds the target ratio of 4:1 and compensates in part for omega-3 deficiencies in the rest of our diet. No other vegetable oil offers EFAs at such high concentrations and, more importantly, in such a desirable omega-6/omega-3 ratio. Hemp oil also provides significant amounts of the more rare 'super' polyunsaturated fatty acids, notably gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and stearidonic acid (SDA). These are not essential themselves, but our body only naturally produces them from the LA and ALA essential fatty acids, respectively. Supplementation with GLA and SDA appears to alleviate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases in some patients.   Clinical trials of the putative benefits from ingested hemp oil are currently under way at the University of Kuopio in Finland to assess the extent of these potential benefits. GLA and SDA content in hemp seed vary considerably with variety and this needs to be considered when using hemp oil to treat such symptoms. Hemp oil typically contains less than 10% saturated fatty acids, and no trans-fatty acids, which are particularly detrimental to our blood cholesterol balance. Hemp oil therefore is attractive nutritionally, rendering it a truly modern food.



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